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For example: Can you locate other studies that took place in a setting similar to yours? What other studies exist that used participants similar to yours? What studies can you find that address a problem similar to yours? 

Do other studies exist that used research tools similar to yours, such as surveys, questionnaires, health behavior models, performance improvement plans, et cetera? Examine current resources available through peer-reviewed articles and professional and government websites. These guides can help you identify scholarly and authoritative sources: Nursing Doctoral (DNP) Research Guide. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences. For program specific guidance refer to: DNP Doctoral Project Manual [PDF]. Programs of Research: School of Nursing and Health Sciences (NHS) [PDF]. Instructions Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt. As you begin work on your Ethics Analysis paper, you may find it useful to seek out free writing workshops available through the Capella Writing Center. These workshops address such writing topics as: correct APA usage, paper organization, synthesis of material, and so on. Note: Remember that this keystone course will help determine whether you are ready to proceed with your doctoral project. You will want to do everything you can to ensure that your critical thinking, research, and writing skills are at the doctoral level. The goal in this assessment is to ensure that you have adequately identified potential ethical concerns related to your doctoral project that could impede your project’s completion, quality, and effectiveness. For any identified ethical concerns, you will need to develop strategies to appropriately address these issues. As you write your paper, please consider what you learned from CITI and from your independent research into research ethics. For this assessment, you will write a 6- to 8-page ethics analysis paper. 

Include the following headings in your paper and be sure to address the bullets underneath each heading: Introduction In brief, what is your project about?

 Who are the major stakeholders involved?

 History of Research Ethics What are the major principles in the history of research ethics? 

How do autonomy, beneficence, malfeasance, and distributive justice specifically apply to your project?

 Human Subjects/Participants What human subjects/participants, if any, will be part of your project? 

What are the exclusion and inclusion criteria for any people who are part of your study? 

Potential Ethical Risks and Action Plans Note: Use the Potential Ethical Risks and Action Plans Templateto complete this portion of your paper. Submit this as a separate attachment to the assessment area. In brief, as you completed the Potential Risks and 

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