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Rationale: There are many stories of individuals using their position to advocate to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. The book, No Greatness without Goodness offers a firsthand account of what it takes to lead with courage to change people’s lives for the better.

As the Senior Vice President of Walgreens, Randy Lewis has created thousands of full- time jobs for people with disabilities. Randy’s motto is “What’s the use of having power if you don’t use it to do good.” In this book, you’ll learn how to start working for good no matterwhere you are or how much power you hold.

At the end of each chapter, the author provides a brief synopsis of the chapter in the form of his lesson learned. Your Book Report is to include a total of four-chapter overviews. Each chapter overview is to be based on a different chapter ‘lesson’ that resonates with you.

For each of the four “Lesson Learned: Chapter Overviews” you must include the following:

  1. An introductory description of the lesson/synopsis of the chapter and the lesson of the chapter (in yourown words)
  2. A discussion that addresses the following questions: a.) Why did you choose this lesson?

b.) How did it resonate with you/relate to you?

  1. Includes at least one course resource (slides do not count) that isthoughtfullyconnected to the lesson/synopsis you have chosen.


Additional points you can discuss where applicable (you do not need to address all of the question below but should choose 2-3 that are relevant to the particular chapter):

  • What do you still question?
  • How could this lesson apply to your career?
  • How could this lesson apply to your specific area of professional interest? (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Disabilities, Addictions, Mental Health)
  • How could you mobilize (apply)this lesson into practice?
  • How does this lesson change or challenge previous perspective you held?



Important Information:


  • Each of the “Lessons Learned: Chapter Overviews” (four in total) must be 2 to

2.5 pages in length(Deductions will be applied to individual chapter

overviews that are over or under these limits). This does not include title pages, reference pages or appendices (if used).

  • Edit your work before submitting. Deductions for grammar, spelling errors will apply.
  • Clearly label the chapter and lesson (this is especially relevant when you are submitting 3 different reflections in 1 document).
  • Late submissions will be deducted 5% per day, up to 1-week. Submissions will not be accepted 1-week after the due date
  • Any submission without references will automatically receive a grade of 0.


Expectation and Scoring


Section Expectation Marks
Chapter Reviews


  • Brief and accurate summary of the chapter
  • Brief and accurate summary of the of the lesson learned in your own words



  • Thoroughly and clearly describes why this lesson was chosen
  • In depth analysis of how the information learned in class, the book and experience will shape future behaviour
  • Connection to course learning is applied
  • Demonstrates a deep understanding ofdisability and inclusion
  • Thoroughly describes how this chapter and lesson learned resonates with you
  • Clearly draws from the ‘lesson’ and relates it to the experience described.

Chapter Overview #1




Chapter Overview #2




Chapter Overview #3




Chapter Overview #4



Organization andCitation
  • Submission is well-organized.
  • All components are included and clearly labelled.
  • All citations are accurate to APA formatting.
  • Each review is within page lengthrequirements
  • Includes a reference list following APA formatting





Spelling and Grammar
  • Writing mechanics are correctly used
  • Few or no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors









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