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Foreign policy issues have traditionally been seen as being more complicated than some domestic issues due to the international environment being so


Nevertheless, the views that Americans have on foreign affairs can often quickly shift which may lead elected officials to change policy approaches to

better appeal to the people they serve.

How much should elected officials follow public opinion on foreign policy issues?

Explain whether you think Americans have enough foreign affairs knowledge to form valid opinions on the issues?


The policies of the American national government

refer to the decisions, actions, and guidelines established by the federal government of the United States to address various issues and challenges facing the nation. These policies are enacted through legislation, executive orders, regulations, and court decisions.

 some key points to consider when discussing the policies of the American national government:

  1. Legislative Policies: The U.S. Congress plays a central role in formulating and enacting policies through the legislative process. Congress is responsible for proposing, debating, and passing laws that address a wide range of issues, including economic matters, healthcare, education, infrastructure, national defense, and social welfare.
  2. Executive Policies: The President of the United States has the authority to set policies through executive orders and administrative actions. These policies can have a significant impact on various areas, such as foreign policy, immigration, environmental regulations, trade agreements, and national security. Executive policies often reflect the priorities and agenda of the presidential administration.
  3. Judicial Policies: The federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court, also shapes policies through its interpretation and application of the U.S. Constitution and federal laws. Court decisions can have far-reaching consequences and influence policy outcomes on issues such as civil rights, privacy, criminal justice, voting rights, and constitutional interpretation.
  4. Social and Economic Policies: The American national government formulates policies to address social and economic challenges. These include policies related to healthcare, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), social security, labor regulations, tax policies, welfare programs, and initiatives to promote economic growth, job creation, and income equality.
  5. Foreign Policies: The United States sets policies to guide its interactions with other nations and protect its national interests. Foreign policies encompass diplomatic relations, trade agreements, military interventions, alliances, and efforts to promote democracy, human rights, and global stability. The U.S. Department of State and other agencies play a crucial role in formulating and implementing foreign policies.
  6. Environmental Policies: The American national government establishes policies to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability. These policies aim to mitigate climate change, protect natural resources, regulate pollution, promote clean energy, and ensure environmental conservation. Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are responsible for implementing and enforcing these policies.
  7. Social Welfare Policies: The federal government implements social welfare policies to provide assistance and support to vulnerable populations. These policies include programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food assistance, housing assistance, and educational grants. The goal is to address poverty, inequality, and promote the well-being of individuals and families.
  8. National Security Policies: The national government formulates policies to safeguard the security and defense of the United States. This includes policies related to defense spending, intelligence gathering, counterterrorism efforts, border security, and responses to national emergencies or threats.


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