journal Homework 1 In Dr. Derbew’s essay (find the link in the “Ancient Polychromy” content area above) she explores the problems with modern readings of Greek depictions of black figures, and modern imaginings of black figures in Greek art. Please synthesize the main points of Derbew’s argument and then please respond with your own thoughts and reactions to this topic.
We touched on this indirectly with the module 3 journal about how modern bias influences how we study Egypt. Is this new to you? What do you think about it the ancient and modern perceptions of these images? What are some of the problems that we in the 21st-century encounter in trying to understand these images? this is the link to the essay Also a link to a video for resource 250 words Assigment 2 Now it’s time to put this knowledge to work.
Select an artwork from the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi (museum website here) that belongs to either the Archaic, Classical or Hellenistic style and analyze it. Start with why you chose the piece, what you like/dislike about it, then how it reflects the style. Include an image (with the title and date of the artwork underneath it, like in the examples above). Entries should be 100+ words. this is a link for the source also, I will upload the artwork to talk about