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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

AC 1.1 Explain what evidenced-basedpractice is and how it is applied withinan organisation.

AC 1.2 Explain the importance of using datain organisations.

AC 1.3 Explain different types of datameasurements that peopleprofessionals use.AC 1.6 Explain how the application of agreedpolicies and procedures informs decisions.

AC 2.1 Explain how people professionalscreate value for people, organisationsand wider stakeholders.

AC 2.2 Summarise ways in which you can becustomer-focused, and standards driven in your own context.

Section Two Examination, interpretation and presentation of data

For section two, she would like you to provide a practical working example of how the PeoplePractice team examines, interprets and presents the findings of data in different diagrammaticalformats.

Hints and Tips: word count -500 words

For departments C and D, present eachage range as a percentage of the total ineach

AC 1.4 Conduct common calculations tointerpret data.

  • Word count 500 words (+/-10%)
    Present your findings using two differentdiagrammatic forms so it can be easilyunderstood
    by end users and from analysis of thefindings, comment on any issues thatmight berevealed in the data and recommendpotential solutions
    AC 1.5 Present findings in different formats toenable informed decision making