+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Business Analysis
Paper details:
Deliver a complete and final Bachelor thesis using the material already developed with your team during the last Bachelor thesis trajectory. Follow the instructions from the coursework (2021-2022 edition). Well be looking specifically for a substantial improvement on the critical synthesis (chapter 4, p.57-63 of the coursework) and empirical research chapters (chapters 5 and 6, p. 66-82 of the coursework).


Critical Synthesis needs 4 more articles on same topic
need to group articles

perhaps group significant vs non significant or different types of rejection
ignoring vs .

when you have non significant dig deep why this is the case

google scholar for 4 more articles rejection + consumer
dont search social rejection

For Results:

Go over qualtrics questionaire/experiment and I will send login details for that. Download the qualtrics results and analyse data in spss and add results plus screenshots of the statistical tests into appendix. You probably know whats best needed and what is wrong but some feedback was
anova was wrong

cronbach alpha for questions on brand awareness

anova , report f test

if data is not normal non parametric test

compare effect sizes to critical synthesis in discussion

I will add qualtrics log in soon but you can start on critical synthesis. Also please just read through everything when done from beginning to end since you are only editing two sections to make sure its cohesive such as the methods, discussion and everythign else

Grading scheme and course book files with extra information attached below