+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Technical Report

QUESTION 1.The technical review part of the report should be eight to 12 pages long, and should cover the following topics:

  1. Networking in the Cloud
  1. Explanation of AWS VPC and associated networking components
  1. Discussion on how BallotOnline will take advantage of AWS VPC, regions, and availability zones to secure and assure availability of its infrastructure
  1. Cloud Command Line Interfaces
  1. Explanation and advantages of cloud CLIs
  1. Discussion how BallotOnline can use CLI in provisioning and maintenance of its cloud deployments
  1. Declarative Resource Definitions
  1. Explanation and advantages of declarative cloud resource definitions
  1. Discussion how BallotOnline can use declarative tools such as AWS CloudFormation in provisioning and maintenance of its cloud deployments
  1. Cloud APIs
  1. Explanation and advantages of cloud APIs, definition and purpose
  1. Discussion how BallotOnline can use cloud APIs such as AWS Python SDK in the development, provisioning, and maintenance of its cloud deployments.

    Executive Report

QUESTION 2. Your final report should be eight to 12 pages in length in Microsoft Word; the report should contain the following headings:

  • Executive summary (1 page)
  • (48 pages)
  • Build AWS Migration Environment and Configure Web Services
  • Test the Migration Environment
  • Prepare Cloud Test Environment Monitoring Dashboard
  • Cause Site Outages and Investigate Results in Monitoring Dashboard
  • Lessons learned (12 pages)
  • Feasibility of cloud environment for BallotOnline web services deployment (12 pages)