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Comment on the performance of the business using ratio analysis

Task The following Trial Balance was extracted from the books of Yeovil Place as at the close of business on 30th June 2018. Debit Credit £ £ Leasehold Premises 20 000 Furniture & Equipment 8 800 Capital Invested 16 979 Stocks at 01/07/2017 900 Purchases 40 528 Sales 84 436 Creditors 4 000 Wages 12 730 Bank Loan 4 500 Council Tax 1 640 Gas & Electricity 2 444 Debtors 150 Business Expenses 1 456 Cleaning 760 Maintenance 1 000 Advertising and Promotions 2 550 Owners Drawings 11 000 Loan Interest 500 Cash in Hand 890 Bank Balance 4 567 TOTALS 109 915 109 915 Stocks as at 30th June 2018 was £720 Required: Task 1: Using the trial balance information provided, prepare a Profit and Loss Statement of Yeovil Place for the year ended 30th June 2018 and a Balance Sheet as at that date. (40 marks) – Please ensure that you show all your workings to gain full marks. You may use templates provided. Task 2: Comment on the performance of the business using ratio analysis, conduct a Cost and Revenue analysis and advise the company on ways of improving profitability and performance based on the information above and the result from 1 (above). (35 marks) – 1 500words