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Learning Goal: I’m working on a computer science project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Create a website consisting of three web pages about your the research topic you wrote your paper about.

One web page should be the main web page, and the other two should be web pages that you access from the main page. All web pages should have consistent look and feel that makes them feel like parts of the same website.

Your main web page should have links to your other two web pages. You must decide what information will go on each page.

Your web pages should also have links to other online web pages, such as your sources, or other pages related to your topic.

You may also include images, and other multimedia (eg. embedded youtube videos) that you might want to include.

Your web site should include all the information that your paper does, but it must not look like a paper. Web sites do not look like research papers.

Upload all your pages, stylesheets and images and submit a link.