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2nd version – Criminology. Geopolitical imbalances of crim. theory and connectivity between the Global North and the global South.
Paper details:
Provisional Dissertation Title: The potential harm of the geopolitical imbalances of criminological theory and transnational connectivity between the Global North and the Global South. The international pressure of western social theories in the context of combating cybersex trafficking in the Philippines.

The research proposal should include:

A clearly defined Research Question (or Thesis Statement);
An introduction to the question situating it within relevant literature and academic debate (this element of the proposal should be no more than 1100 words, and so does not need to enter into extensive detail).

Hello! First of all thank you very much for helping me with this. This is my first dissertation. Please let me know if the title is not clear and I can help with more information. I am attaching a lot of material I have used during my research. This does not to be included or referenced in the proposal (also no need to write a bibliography for it). As you can see it is a lot and I am not expecting you to go through all of it but you can have a look at it to kinda understand the research behind the topic. Most of the key information is in the abstracts/introductions/conclusions.

The main concepts are:
-Context free nature of the global north social theory and its assumption about the universality of its knowledge production.
-Geopolitical imbalances of criminological theory.
-Disparities in research capacity.
-Contextualizing criminology
-Criminological analysis is ill equipped to understand the dynamics of contemporary global interdependence.
-Plurality of worlds.
-Blurring lines between international and national notions of security.
-Transnational connectivity.
-Mobilities of Northern policies.
-Comparative Transnational research.
-Understanding of criminology in the South to often defined through the lens of the North.
-World-map of criminological knowledge.
-Globalizing criminological knowledge.
-Geography of criminological theory.
-Different political developments.