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You should approach this assignment from the perspective of a Business Consultant engaged to critically evaluate the challenges facing a selected organisation in developing and deploying strategy for sustainable competitive advantage. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

This will require you to apply a range of models and concepts in exploring strategic issues, processes, and resources, plus the recommendation of plausible and evidence-based options suitable for your selected organisation.

Important! Before undertaking any work on this assignment, please select an appropriate organisation within which to contextualise your work and seek written confirmation from your module tutor (or tutorial leader) that this is suitable for your paper. Please submit this written confirmation (normally an email) as an appendix to your written work. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements: Level HE7 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

Assignment Tasks Using the selected organisation, you have agreed with your tutor, undertake a critical analysis of key strategic challenges it faces, using an evidence-based approach to inform your assessment. Where you use tools, models or theories of Strategic Management to structure your analysis, you must include commentary setting out your rationale for adopting these, and explaining any key critical issues associated with their use in exploring strategy. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

From your analysis, present a prioritised summary of the organisation’s key strategic challenges, supporting this with an explanation of how these priorities were arrived at.


Next, for each of the two highest ranked strategic priorities from your analysis, explore the strategic options potentially available to your selected organisation, providing theoretical support to frame your discussion. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

As a practical output from your assessment, draw appropriate and logical conclusions and recommendations that would, in your view, best enhance your organisation’s competitive position, using evidence set out previously in your analysis to support your proposals. (2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)

Finally, comment upon the effectiveness of the tools and techniques of strategic management in supporting your investigation, evaluation and building recommendations. Please include a short reflective assessment of your overall learning journey in completing the assignment, using an appropriate framework (e.g. Gibbs Reflective Cycle) to set out insights and their chronology.(2022 Latest answer at essaycrack.com)