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Cultural and Linguistic competence. From your personal experience where are your strengths and weaknesses?

Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Open the assignment for details. Complete the  Self-Assessment Checklist. Some questions may not apply to your current role. Please do you best to answer with A, B, or C. There is not a wrong answer. Score and review your responses. Ask yourself if you have Cultural and Linguistic competence. From your personal experience where are your strengths and weaknesses?

Complete and submit your assignment by 2359 Saturday of Module 1. Attachments Rubric Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf Assessment Reflection (max 50 points) 50 to >25.0 pts Target Reflection Self Assessment is complete and submitted on time. 25 to >10.0 pts Acceptable Reflection Self- Assessment is incomplete. 10 to >0 pts Unacceptable Reflection Self-Assessment has minimal information. 50 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions and Reflections (Max 50 points) 50 to >25.0 pts Target Clearly identified Communication characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. 25 to >10.0 pts Acceptable Partially identified Communication characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. 10 to >0 pts Unacceptable Minimal or no identified Communication characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. 50 pts Total Points: 100