+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Please respond 1:
Group dynamics play a crucial role in group intervention and the success of the message communicated outside and inside the group setting. Therefore, it is imperative to have an assessment program with highly trained professionals to test individuals in either problem-based or project-based learning groups in an intervention. The reason is that individuals must communicate in public/private ways. With intervention-style information, individuals need to be sensitive to the message they are projecting. Tuckmans five stages of group development, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning, can be converted into intervention construction. Leaders within each group should be instructed to bring team members together, communicate the objective within the intervention goal, actively listen to members in the group, commit to rule adherence, work intervention guidelines into actuality, and deliver the finished project (Samuel, 2009).In Group communications as a whole group, there should be no member unseen within the group. However, all group members must follow a group code of conduct to protect disclosure rights and individual group members. Most likely, intervention messaging deals with all forms of multi-media across the spectrum, and the ability to address emergency-type objectives need credible information. Effective communications in a public emergency have time-sensitive delivery, accurate information, honest intent, empathy, anxiety reduction during the crisis, and respect (CDC, 2019).

In creating an intervention program to combat cyberbullying and prevent adolescent suicide, group dynamics are an important consideration. Some considerations for my intervention program are intergroup contact and addressing unconscious biases to help those who engage in cyberbullying to change their behaviors. First, intergroup contact is an important consideration, as it has been shown to reduce prejudice and increase outgroup perspective-taking, or empathy skills (Reimer et al., 2021). This may help different social groups of adolescents understand and connect with each other more, and in turn reduce the desire to engage in cyber aggression. Unconscious biases are also an important consideration that would need to be addressed in the intervention program, as these biases can create negative attitudes and behaviors without the knowledge of the individual who has these biases (Suveren, 2022). As both of these aspects may be best addressed in a group setting, strong leadership to guide the group through the five phases is important. The group would need to be considered a safe space by the members, so that they may express themselves, tackle their unconscious biases, and connect with others who may not be in their social circle. Rules would have to be implemented and enforced so that members are able to express themselves and their opinions, but not verbally attack anyone else. Additionally, each member should feel a sense of belonging, and there should be an equal opportunity for participation.

Please respond 3:
In order to implement a successful bullying and suicide prevention program in a school setting, there must be a clear plan in place. Bullying and suicide are grave concerns in schools everywhere, and teachers, parents and communities are grappling for solutions. An intervention plan must involve the entire community. Community engagement is key to creating change. Community engagement if working with a group of people to address issues that affect the well-being of those involved (What is Community Engagement, 2016). Teachers, school officials, parents, and community members must be part of this solution. A school that is creating this program must take several steps. The first step is to communicate the vision, and how that vision will be fulfilled. The second step is to create a team that will work towards this vision. In this situation this would include students, teachers, schools administrators and parents. Then, the team would engage with members of the community, and begin conversations. They need to be open to feedback, both positive and negative. Then the team, along with the community, commits to the plan to stop bullying and suicide. The next steps involve delivering and working towards the goal.
There are five types of leadership: Transformational, delegative, authoritative, transactional, and participative. Out of these, the two leadership types that are needed for this program are transformational and participative. With transformational leadership, the leader(s) inspire those around them to believe in the vision and see potential in everyone, and understands that everyone is part of the solution (IMD, 2022). Participatory leadership is where there is a collaborative effort on the part of everyone, including students, and everyone understands that they are an important part of the team. Communication is also a key component to a successful intervention program. Preciseness in communication means that the team leaders are clear, articulate and organized in communication the vision of the plan (Crew, et al., 2019, p.422). Everyone involved needs to be communicating the same vision and the way that this plan will be carried through. Precise communication would take place in school assemblies, staff meetings, parent meetings, administration meetings, and student ambassador meetings. In addition, the vision would be communicated clearly via school website, all written communication home, and on social media.