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describe the organization’s mission, select one nursing Issue listed on the organization’s website

The purpose of this assignment is to choose a pridessiinal nursing organization of interest, describe the organization’s mission, select one nursing Issue listed on the organization’s website, and describe and discuss this issue as it relates to professional nursing practice. Assignment criteria: Develop a scholarly paper includes -choose one nursing organization of interest

(American college of nurse-midwives http://www.modwife.org) -breifly discuss the mission of this organization -select one nursing issue listed on the organization website. -describe the issue and how it supports the mission of the organization -describe the impact the issue has on professional nursing practice -the scholarly paper should be in third person,narrative format 2 to a max of 3 pages (excluding reference pages)

-include introductory paragraph and conclusion -include level I heading to organize paper -reference include the textbook, professional organization website, and a one professional pee-reviewd scholarly journal article no greater than 5 years old -APA (7TH) format is required (title,reference, and all citations(do not use quotations) -review your turtin similarity and make needed changes, if greater 20% must revise paper The textbook: Professional Nursing Concepts (4th Edt) Anita Finkleman organization found page 23 –