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Discuss how adults can foster childrens healthy eating behaviors.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of breast and formula feeding.
Identify and discuss several health concerns associated with infant feeding
Explain the challenges involved in getting toddlers to eat and how these challenges can be addressed.
Describe preschoolers and school-age childrens unique nutrient requirements and ways to meet them.
Discuss how adults can foster childrens healthy eating behaviors.
Identify and discuss the common health problems associated with childrens poor eating patterns..
Outline basic safety and sanitation practices critical to prevent food-related illnesses
Respond to ONE of the following questions. Your response must be a minimum of 350 words and contain at least one relevant citation from your textbook reading this week that will support your response. Check the DQ Grading Checklist at the bottom of this page before you post.
This DQ refers to the information in Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 of your textbook. If you use any other resources you must cite your source and include any direct quotes in quotation marks.
your post must include at least 2 references to the learning Module for each question. Posts that do not include references to critical learning unit ideas will not earn full points. Post must include different resources. You have many resources to choose from, be sure to use them
Please respond to one of the following questions.
1. During the preschool and primary years, children learn about appropriate mealtime behaviors. Such behaviors may include sitting during the meal, waiting until everyone is served before beginning to eat and using utensils. Appropriate mealtime behaviors may differ between families, and differences from culture to culture certainly exist. Conduct some internet research to learn more about cultural differences in mealtime behaviors. As an early childhood educator, how will you create an atmosphere that respects differences while also promoting positive eating practices?
Interview an infant teacher about infant feeding. Ask the following questions:
How do you establish a feeding relationship with different infants?
What are some of the challenges of feeding infants?
How do you support breastfeeding mothers?
Have you experienced cultural differences regarding feeding practices?
How do you learn about feeding infants? How do you know what to do?
Choose one of the following situations. How would you deal with the scenario in such a way that a childs accidental exposure to an allergen is avoided? Explain some of the possible problems that might occur if the exposure is not avoided. Explain what you learned about childrens possible adverse reactions to certain foods.
A young child might trade or share foods with a child who has allergies.
Food service staff forgets to prepare a special diet.
Cross-contamination of foods occurs such that some allergen gets into an otherwise acceptable food.
The teacher is absent. How would the substitute know who has allergies and special dietary requirements?
Foods from home are brought in for a celebration and a toddler with allergies is reaching for something he should not have.
This chapter talks about responding to the increasing incidence of childhood obesity by encouraging adults to plan menus that carefully consider nutrient requirements of meals, but also consider dietary practices that protect childrens health. Discuss some of the recommended food choices to promote healthful eating in the early childhood classroom. What other classroom practices discussed in this chapter might help reverse the obesity epidemic? Find and share the information from one additional web resource that will help you with menu planning to meet these needs.
Go to the FDA website https://www.fda.gov/Food/ Choose one aspect of food safety to research. Explain what you learned and how you would use this information when serving food in the classroom setting.
You must respond to at least 1 classmates post .
Choose one of the following situations.
3. How would you deal with the scenario in such a way that a childs accidental exposure to an allergen is avoided? Explain some of the possible problems that might occur if the exposure is not avoided. Explain what you learned about childrens possible adverse reactions to certain foods.
Foods from home are brought in for a celebration and a toddler with allergies is reaching for something he should not have.
The situation I chose for this question is the last one, Foods from home are brought in for a celebration and a toddler with allergies is reaching for something he should not have. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to care for a child when they are in my care, as well as to ensure the safety and participation of events, activities, and celebrations the children are involved in. Of course, I would learn what the children are allergic to, what condition or disorder they have, and more insightful information to help me help them. The food that I would have and provide in the classroom would be appropriate for all children, that are safe for them to eat, whether its to avoid the possibility of choking or prevent an allergy. In situations that lead to celebrations and involve foods brought from outside of the classroom are out of the teachers or caretakers control. It is still welcomed because all children should still have fun and be treated, but in a case where a child is allergic to the box of cupcakes that were brought in, I would provide the child with a treat or snack that I bought the day prior or something that I kept in the classroom as a back-up, that is just as fun, appealing, and yummy, so they could participate in the celebration as well. I wouldnt want any child feeling left out because of their differences, and taking a risk to have something special is not worth an allergic reaction or hospital visit. Another precaution I would take is to send out a letter to parents ahead of time, to let them know that there will be an event or celebration in the classroom and that I would not have complete control of what type of food would be brought and given to the children. I would talk to the parents saying if they could send their child to school with a treat, so they dont feel left out, or ask or tell them that I would have an allergy-free treat for them in the room.
If an allergen is exposed to the child and was unavoidable, if there is medication, an EpiPen, or another device to relieve the child of symptoms, I would administer that to him or her. I would pay attention and recognize the following symptoms of an allergic reaction which include, runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma. (Paris & Laff, 2020, sec. 3.4). If a reaction results in something bigger, such as Anaphylaxis attack, that cannot be helped or contained much with my help or medication, I would remove the child from the environment where the allergen is and call 911. I or another trusted staff member who knows the child and parents would go with him or her and would alert the parents immediately. Treatments include medicines, allergy shots, and avoiding the substances that cause the reactions. I would pay attention and recognize the following symptoms of an allergic reaction which include, runny nose, sneezing, itching, rashes, swelling, or asthma. (Paris & Laff, 2020, sec. 3.4). Allergic reactions, big or small, can be worrisome to scary. The most common allergies include nuts, dairy, fish, and wheat. These are very common foods to eat, and caring for children that have these types of allergies can be challenging. I would speak to the parents about their childs condition(s) and make a plan of what they can eat or an alternative of what they can have, but still meet their nutritional needs. Symptoms and reactions can range in many things, and it is important for all adults who care for children to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction. This includes itchiness, red and swollen bumps, the child saying they cant breathe or have difficulty swallowing with a tingling mouth, swollen eyes, lips, and face, hives, or abdominal pain along with diarrhea, and vomiting. If these symptoms appear, I will give the child their medication or medical device, let the parents know about their childs health that day, and if needed call 911.
Paris, J., & Laff, R. (2020). Health, Safety, and Nutrition. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Early_Childhood_Education/Book%3A_Health_Safety_and_Nutrition_(Paris)/Section_II%3A_Safety/02%3A_Preventing_Injury_and_Protecting_Childrens_Safety