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Discuss what this debate means and highlight one personal trait or characteristic (preferably one of your own traits or characteristics) and explain how it is impacted by both nature and nurture.

The total length of this assignment (answer to all questions taken together) should be 1250 to 1500 words in length (with a typical font and spacing this will be 5 to 6 pages) and should use information from the textbook, online resources, and your own experiences. This assignment provides an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the reading material.

Be sure to document all sources properly in APA format. Imagine that a local school district hired you to assess their curriculum and other factors related to development. They asked that you make recommendations on a variety of issues because you are an expert in this field. Based on your course reading, what would you suggest regarding: (a) the role of bilingual education in elementary school, (b) the role that fathers play in a child’s development, (c) the importance of peer social relationships, and (d) the consequences for children of being exposed to child care outside the home. Identify Baumrind’s parenting styles and discuss which one(s) you were raised with. Explain how you believe that the parenting style you were raised with impacted your development. One of the most important theoretical debates that developmental psychologists grapple with is what is generally referred to as nature versus nurture. Discuss what this debate means and highlight one personal trait or characteristic (preferably one of your own traits or characteristics) and explain how it is impacted by both nature and nurture.

Review the list of Freud’s defense mechanisms discussed in your textbook. Choose three and describe instances when you observed yourself or someone else utilizing them. Explain how the use of defense mechanisms can be both healthy and unhealthy. Your textbook highlights several different types of psychological tests. Identify three types of tests and explain what they are used for. Do you think these types of tests would be useful for human resources departments to use to determine personnel decisions, such as hiring, promotion and termination? Explain your answer.