Your job is to visit two websites and write short (one page per website) reflection papers. However, these ESOL activities will give you 20%. So please browse through the websites and please make sure that you have at least one page response per website. This is an easy way to get 20%.
ACTIVITY NO. 1 Visit at least five links on the following webpage:
Read about various ways to accommodate learning disabilities in the classroom. Then, select two ideas you would like to try and implement in an educational setting
. Discuss why you selected these and how you might go about implementing them activities. Please have at least one written page for this activity
. Make sure that your responses are informative, interesting, and creative.
ACTIVITY NO. 2 Read and analyze this website.
Please reflect on strategies for children with disabilities that are presented in this website. Write a short reaction/reflection paper. What did you learn from the websites? Again, please make sure that you have at least one page for Activity No. 2