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Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science question and need guidance to help me learn.

This is a two part assignment. I will post 3 responses after this discussion has been answered. You will respond to 3 people with at least 3 sentences. Your responses should not repeat what they have posted but should add to it.

This week we are learning about what happens to our solid waste. We are very much a consumer driven society and we make a LOT of waste in our daily lives! For the discussion this week I want everyone to do a 24 hour waste audit. You can to keep track of what you consume for a 24 hours period and what will happen to the waste that you generate doing what you do during that time. You don’t need to use the sheet, but it’s a good guide to help you think through what you are using, writing some notes about your waste on scrap paper or tracking it in a note on your phone is fine too. The sheet was originally created for an event in 2018, but it will work fine for us to use as we examine our own practices today.

For your initial post, lets look at recycling.

  • Is recycling good for the environment? How is it good for the environment?
  • Is recycling bad for the environment? How is it bad for the environment?
  • Are we making recycling easy enough that people want to participate? What more can we do?

After you’ve completed your waste audit you can post the results either as a part of your initial post (if you see the instructions in time for that) or you can comment on your own post with some conclusions based on your audit. Things to think about after your audit:

  • What waste can I eliminate?
  • Are there things I can recycle, that I currently trash? How will I make the change to recycling?
  • Anything else that you were suprised to learn by looking at your trash for a full 24 hours?
  • If you want to include your actual waste audit form it would be interesting to compare them, but I am not requiring that