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Don’t get hung up on making equal portions or getting into the minutia of how to divide cities.

 Pick a U.S. state that you know very well. Use this link to view a map of your state: U.S. Map Links to an external site. To use the map, zoom in on your selected state. You can also select a different map presentation from the “Layers” menu at the lower left (including “satellite” found under “more”). https://www.google.com/maps/@38.5999476,-99.9485623,2648503m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4 Drawing on biogeography, biomes, climate, historical, political, linguistic, cultural, economic, and physical differences within your state, divide the state into two new states and identify the boundary between the new states. This is obviously a theoretical exercise, but it is not entirely unrealistic based on events in California (see Radical plan to split California into three states earns spot on November ballot – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com). Links to an external site. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-california-split-three-states-20180612-story.html Using at least two scholarly sources, present a clear and convincing rationale for the basis of your proposed division AND the map feature that you select to define this division. Don’t get hung up on making equal portions or getting into the minutia of how to divide cities.

Please don’t base your proposed division entirely on partisan political differences. Include a link to the enlarged state view that shows the dividing feature you have selected. You can also paste in a screen shot (generally done by using the “Print Scrn” button to make a copy). Just be sure that the users can discern the dividing line you describe in your post. Please note that you will need to describe the dividing line since the map does not have a drawing feature.