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Learning Goal: I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Wheredo we find economic data that can be used to explain the world aroundus and help us make informed decisions? The purpose of this discussionis to explore a number of government websites that provide economic datathat could be used to support government policy, guide businessdecisions and operations, and make personal choices. Listed below are anumber of U.S. government websites that are applicable throughout thecourse After exploring the listed government websites below, answer twoof the following prompts in your initial post.

  • Identifythe government website that provided you with career guidance (NURSING). Explainthe information learned and how has the information changed (orconfirmed) your career plans (REGISTERED NURSE)
  • Identifythe government website that provided you with information that youcould use in the workplace? Explain the knowledge gain and how it mightbe used.
  • Identifythe government website that provides you with information that youcould use in your personal life. Explain the knowledge gain and how itmight be used.

Inorder to engage in an active discussion environment, submit yourinitial discussion post by Wednesday. For detailed grading criteria,refer to the Discussion Rubric.