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Elaborate on the first point in your thesis statement

Creating an Outline for Option 1 Instructions: Write complete sentences to fill in the items below. Introduction: This is where you will gain your reader’s attention, introduce your topic, and provide your thesis statement. Introduction: · Identify the film you are analyzing and give a brief description of the characters you are analyzing. ·

Give a brief explanation of the two themes you are addressing and why it is interesting to look at these themes together. · Remember to avoid the first-person point of view (I, me, my, our, ours) and the second-person point of view (you, your, yours) in formal writing. Thesis Statement (fill

in the blanks on the right): In the film _____, the theme of love is intertwined with the theme of _____, as demonstrated by the relationships of

[first pair], [second pair], and [third pair]. (You will determine three pairs of characters in support of your thesis, and they will become the topics of your three body paragraphs.). Body Paragraphs: This is where you will develop each of the points in your thesis statement. Body Paragraph

1: Elaborate on the first point in your thesis statement. Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a specific claim about the relationship between the second pair of characters and the two themes you are analyzing) Detail 1: (a complete sentence that explains how the theme of love relates to the second pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this point: Detail 2: (a complete sentence that explains how the second theme you selected relates to the second pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this point: Concluding Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence to link the main idea of this paragraph to the thesis statement) Body Paragraph

2: Elaborate on the second point in your thesis statement. Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a specific claim about the relationship between the first pair of characters and the two themes you are analyzing) Detail 1: (a complete sentence that explains how the theme of love relates to the first pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this point: Detail 2: (a complete sentence

that explains how the second theme you selected relates to the first pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this

point: Concluding Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence to link the main idea of this paragraph to the thesis statement) Body Paragraph

3: Elaborate on the third point in your thesis statement. Topic Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence that makes a specific claim about the relationship between the third pair of characters and the two themes you are analyzing) Detail 1: (a complete sentence that explains how the

theme of love relates to the third pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this point: Detail 2: (a complete sentence

that explains how the second theme you selected relates to the third pair of characters) Supporting quote/example from the film to support this point: Concluding Sentence: (this will be a complete sentence to link the main idea of this paragraph to the thesis statement)