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appraise the nature of complex care across care settings, to select care strategies that support people, promote early intervention and support people at home where appropriate.


Employ clinical reasoning and decision-making skills to identify and lead on appropriate responses to crisis, deterioration in condition, and end of life care.  


 Manage and prioritize care in response to identified risk in delivering complex care in dynamic clinical environments, identifying when it is appropriate to delegate care to manage a case appropriately and effectively.


: Use research and evidence to appraise the use of technology in treatment interventions, symptom management and managing co-morbidities in order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions.  


You must include the following brief to meet the associated learning outcomes:  


Appraise the complexity of the case and outline the care strategy used to support the person(s) 


Systematically evaluate research and evidence to critically analyze the effectiveness of interventions and/or symptom management, use of technology and the management of co-morbidity  


Critically analyze your clinical reasoning and decision-making processes when managing and prioritising complex care in dynamic environments 


Discuss opportunities for delegation and leadership in response to the crisis