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Discussion Question 4

I would like you to undertake various tasks for this discussion post. Below are the instructions:

book link:


  1. Read all four handouts for this week posted under “Modules”
  2. Using Volume I, Ch. 1-14 only, select two critical approaches from the “Critical Approaches to Literature” handout and identify a textual example from the novel for each critical approach. 
  3. In identifying the example, make sure to correctly paraphrase and/or direct cite your work. 
  4. Add analysis on why this example highlights the chosen critical approach.


**There is no word limit.** Below is what am I looking for when grading this post:

  1. Two critical approaches with a textual example of each that demonstrates the respective approach
  2. Correct use of MLA citation
  3. Knowledge of introducing a quotation with framework. Refer to the “Incorporating Quotations” handout on the templates you can use. Do not simply “drop quotes.”
  4. Personal analysis