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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

WRITE THIS ESSAY ON the movieAvengers: End Game

How do superheroes reflect the cultural values important to our society today? In current superheroes in film and TV today, we see the importance of a variety of cultural values, such as:

  • justice
  • freedom / independence
  • responsibility and duty
  • team building
  • multiculturalism / diversity
  • feminism / female strength
  • leadership
  • honor
  • friendship / family

For this investigation, select ONE film, TV show, or comic book based on a superhero. In your paper, explain how the superhero(es) in the text reflect and illustrate ONE cultural value that is important to society today. You may choose from the list above, or identify a different cultural value.

To be more specific, using Superheroes Decoded: American Rebels and our discussion of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as a model, construct your own essay in which you create a clear thesis statement that shows your understanding of how a superhero in a film, TV show, or comic book demonstrates the importance of ONE specific American cultural value or belief in todays society.


Your investigation into superheroes should be a direct response to the prompt outlined above. You essay should be in MLA format and style, including a Works Cited page; a minimum of 4-6 pages in length (1,500 words); and it should include at least 4 sources. You are required to use ONE film, TV show, or comic book as your primary source that represents a superhero and at least three secondary sources (outside research that might include the historical or biographical context for the text; critics of the film or TV show, etc).

***You may not use Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse or The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as your primary source since we will use them as model texts.


  • 5-6 pages (at least 1,500 words)
  • MLA format. 12-point font, Times New Roman. Works Cited Page
  • The Works Cited page should include all of the sources used in the essay. You must provide the links to all of the sources.
  • A creative title that hints at the subject matter.
  • Indicate a clear focus in a well-written thesis statement that includes a focus on how the superhero reflects ONE cultural value.
  • Your essay should be well-structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Concrete evidence properly cited and integrated.
  • Include at least 4 sources (1 primary source and 3 secondary sources). The evidence should clearly support the topic sentence and the overall thesis statement.
  • Each body paragraph should have at least 2-3 quoted passages. The quoted passages should come from the primary source plus at least one secondary source. (1 primary source + 1 to 2 secondary sources).
  • Essays that include no quoted passages will earn a maximum of 50% on the assignment.
  • Provide a conclusion which states why your argument is significant
  • Implement proper stylistic conventions to include: sentence variation, college-level vocabulary, complex sentence structure.
  • Write the paper as if addressing a scholarly audience.
  • Demonstrate thoughtful revision and editing/proofreading
  • Essays that use APA or any other format other than MLA will earn a maximum of 50% on the assignment. Students who do any of the preceding will not be allowed to revise the assignment for a higher score.


This assignment will help students meet the following Student Learning Objectives, as stated on the course syllabus:

  • Utilize the writing process to produce complex, high-quality work.
  • Evaluate the validity and soundness of arguments and the evidence within them.
  • Synthesize ideas of two or more writers to create a broader understanding of an issue
  • Utilize critical reading strategies to pull meaning from complex texts.