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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

FORUM ON THE LIBRARY RESEARCH PAPER #1: Topic and report on your findings

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We’vecovered the themes of love, relationships, tradition versus modernity,the country and the city (Dee to Wangero), age, reflection, nature,nature as a metaphor, pastoral poetry (idyllic country life), and more.

Whatwould you like to write about? I usually ask students to pick a themethey feel drawn to. This is an opportunity for you to delve deeper into atheme you like. If you do not have a preference, use one of therecommended topics given below:

1. Discuss the symbolic meaning of nature in Robert Frost’s poetry.

2. Discuss the pastoral tradition in “Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe.

3. Discuss the representation of women in selected texts.

Pick PRIMARY SOURCES such as poems, short stories and/or a play.

Next go to the college databases for the SECONDARY SOURCES, that is academic books/articles analyzing your theme (e.g. nature in Robert Frost, or the pastoral tradition in the “Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” etc.).

TheLibrary Research Paper is a 7-9 page summary of the ideas in the books,book chapters or scholarly articles you have found, with Works Citedattached, not just your own opinion. See the helpful guide to LiteraryResearch at

Essentially your job is to choose #1, or #2 and find primary resources written by the author themselves, and secondary resources which help further explain your answer. There can be no plagiarizing at all! It must be 7-9 pages excluding work cited!