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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

Assignment 1 (100 points) Everything should be original and in your own words. no plagiarism.

Answer the following questions based on the concepts you learned through your reading:

Chapter 2

(25 points)

1. Imagine that you are given the task of deciding the marketing strategy for a transportation company. How do the marketing mix elements (4 Ps) change when the target market is

  • low-income workers without personal transportation,
  • corporate international business travelers,
  • companies with urgent documents, and
  • perishable materials to deliver to customers?

Identify examples for each P of the marketing mix.


Target Market: Companies with urgent documents
Product: Courier service, pickup, and delivery
Price: Medium to high
Place: Downtown businesses around the country
Promotion: Television, radio

Target Market: Low-income workers without personal transportation

Target Market: Corporate international business travelers

Target Market: Companies with urgent documents to deliver to customers

Target Market: Companies with perishable materials to deliver to other businesses

Chapter 4

(25 points)

2. In a couple sentences for each, provide examples for how Ford Motor Company should market differently to:

  • Millennials
  • Generation X
  • Baby Boomers

Chapter 8

(25 points)

3. In a paragraph or so for each, please answer the two questions below.

A. Choose a product category (e.g., blue jeans) and identify at least three different brands and their respective positioning strategies. How is each position communicated to the target audience?

B. Describe how Delta Airlines uses its website to cater to its market segments.

Chapter 9

(25 points)

4. Critique the following methodologies, and suggest more appropriate alternatives:

  • A supermarket was interested in determining its image. It dropped a short questionnaire into the grocery bag of each customer before putting in the groceries.
  • To assess the extent of its trade area, a shopping mall stationed interviewers in the parking lot every Monday and Friday evening. Interviewers walked up to persons after they had parked their cars and asked them for their ZIP codes.
  • To assess the popularity of a new movie, a major studio invited people to call a 900 number and vote yes (they would see it again) or no (they would not see it again). Each caller was billed a two-dollar charge.