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Order Instructions

Entrepreneurship – Write a 2000-2500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least 4 scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA 7th guidelines to format the paper with DOI for all journal articles. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count.


Describe an innovative idea you have been entertaining. Include what grants you could write and the potential outcomes of the idea. Include how entrepreneurship drives successful healthcare innovation. In this assignment you can discuss any idea you can imagine but be sure to include the financial implications of implementing the plan.


Information to help with the paper:

Grant writing steps: Waxman, T. (2012). Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Step 1. Identify needs and focus: there is a staff shortage in healthcare facilities due to the demands of Covid19 pandemic. Many staff members have left the facility due to stress, overwork, and fear of illness that impacts their mental health. This staff shortage and fear of exposure to the virus leads to stress, poor work/life balance conflict, burnout, and mental health problems for healthcare workers and providers. Our facility would benefit from health professional and healthcare staff training and education to reduce work stress, burnout, depression, and risk of suicide. Mental health issues are prevalent in healthcare providers and need to be addressed proactively.


Step 2: find a grant. Our office serves a large number of Medicaid and Medicare individuals. Our patient populations are mainly new immigrants from vietnam, china, cambodia, and mexico who live in low-income and under-served areas.


Grant: Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program.


The purpose of this program is to plan, develop, operate or participate in health professions and nursing training activities using evidence-based or evidence-informed strategies, to reduce and address burnout, suicide, mental health conditions and substance use disorders and promote resiliency among health care students, residents, professionals, paraprofessionals, trainees, public safety officers, and employers of such individuals, collectively known as the “Health Workforce,” in rural and underserved communities. The deadline to apply is August 30, 2021.


Step 3: Develop general proposal & budget: The grant proposal includes: title page, executive summary, statement of need, project description, budget, organization information (a private family medicine clinic and serves low-income families), conclusion

Step 7: Agency reviews proposal and accepts

Step 4: submitting letter of inquiry

Step 5: Receive request for formal application

Step 6: Prepare specific proposal and submit before deadline:

The DNP grant writer should carefully follow the format and style required by the grantor to ensure that the proposal passes the initial screening. Turning a good project idea into a grant proposal can be a long and difficult process, that requires innovative and creative thinking, and clear and concise writing.

Step 8: carry out project and file report on how funds were utilized successfully with finding agency