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With all the political jargon floating around these days, one term you will often hear is “talking points.” This refers to a series of themes or ideas which one side or the other wants to focus on in order to get their message across.

Assume that you will be called to make a speech to a local committee or board on a political, social, or environmental issue that affects your local community and on

which you would like to make a positive impact for the benefit of the community as a whole (see Dimension 3 in the reading from Module

4). Ideally, as you plan your

talking points, strive to identify a real political, social, or environmental problem in your local area that needs community attention.

Identifying a real problem will help

guide your research. Issues could range from requesting a later start time for high school students to dealing with crumbling city water pipes creating the threat of

lead poisoning to issues with community policing, panhandling, or corruption in township government. Scan your local newspaper (online or in print) to get ideas–or

just talk to your neighbors. Then based on your research into this issue, develop a list of at least five reasons why this issue needs more attention from the local

community and conclude with at least two suggestions for what the community can do to raise awareness or begin to fix the problem.

Explain the nature of the issue, its need for more attention, and your possible solutions.


Environmental responsibility


refers to the ethical and moral duty of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole to protect and preserve the natural environment. It involves recognizing the impact of human activities on the environment and taking proactive measures to mitigate harmful effects and promote sustainable practices. Here are some key points to discuss regarding environmental responsibility:

  1. Awareness and Education: Environmental responsibility begins with raising awareness about environmental issues and educating individuals and communities about the importance of environmental conservation. This includes understanding the interconnectedness of ecosystems, the impact of pollution and resource depletion, and the need for sustainable development.
  2. Conservation of Natural Resources: Being environmentally responsible entails using natural resources wisely and conserving them for future generations. This includes promoting practices such as responsible water usage, energy conservation, recycling, and minimizing waste generation. By reducing resource consumption, we can minimize our ecological footprint and promote sustainable living.
  3. Pollution Prevention: Environmental responsibility involves actively working to prevent pollution and reduce harmful emissions. This can be achieved through adopting cleaner technologies, implementing effective waste management systems, and adhering to environmentally friendly practices in industries and everyday life. Efforts should focus on reducing air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination to protect ecosystems and human health.
  4. Biodiversity Conservation: Preserving biodiversity is a crucial aspect of environmental responsibility. This involves protecting natural habitats, supporting conservation efforts for endangered species, and promoting sustainable land use practices. Maintaining biodiversity ensures ecological balance, enhances ecosystem resilience, and provides essential ecosystem services that support human well-being.
  5. Sustainable Practices: An environmentally responsible approach involves adopting sustainable practices in various sectors, including agriculture, forestry, transportation, and manufacturing. This can include using renewable energy sources, implementing eco-friendly technologies, promoting sustainable agriculture, and supporting responsible supply chains. Sustainable practices aim to minimize environmental impact while ensuring social and economic well-being.
  6. Collaboration and Advocacy: Environmental responsibility requires collaboration among governments, businesses, communities, and individuals. It involves advocating for policies and initiatives that promote environmental protection and sustainability. This can include supporting environmental organizations, participating in community-based conservation projects, and engaging in advocacy efforts to raise awareness and drive positive change.
  7. Corporate Social Responsibility: Businesses have a significant role to play in environmental responsibility. Adopting sustainable business practices, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting transparency and accountability are crucial. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, implementing environmentally friendly technologies, and ensuring responsible sourcing and manufacturing processes.
  8. Environmental Legislation and Regulation: Governments play a vital role in enforcing environmental responsibility through legislation and regulations. These measures set standards and guidelines for industries, enforce pollution control measures, and promote sustainable development. Compliance with environmental laws is essential for upholding environmental responsibility at both individual and organizational levels.
  9. Long-Term Thinking: Environmental responsibility involves considering the long-term consequences of our actions on the environment and future generations. It requires adopting a sustainable mindset and making decisions that prioritize the well-being of the planet and its ecosystems over short-term gains. This includes embracing the principles of intergenerational equity and planning for a sustainable future.


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