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Your second short paper will be written in response to these prompts:

Compare and contrast the histories and experiences of people of color in particular, use macro level ideas such as oppression and power operated through systemic oppression like racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, etc. in your response. Do not focus on individual ideas of prejudice and discrimination, although you can include this as a part of your response. Your response needs to focus on an institutional analysis on the histories and experiences of people of color.
Address how oppression and power (as defined and operated by Sensoy & DiAngelo in Is Everyone Really Equal) through systems like racism and white supremacy, impact communities of color in the US on an institutional analysis (i.e. the laws, policies, practices that the US has implemented).
Address how communities of color have fought back against systemic racism, white supremacy, anti-Indigeneity, anti-blackness, anti-immigrant, etc. through specific acts such as protests, forming organizations, community grassroot movements, and other institutional level acts of change (not just the actions of individuals, but you can connect how individuals have served as leaders working to address institutional changes working with communities). Think about the Black Activism in US history graphic organizer as examples of how communities of color have fought back and continue to fight against systemic racism, white supremacy.