Assignment Prompt
Evidence-Based Practice Proposal, EBP Design: Background and Significance: Identification and Analysis of Need from your approved topic from NURS 378 course.
The background and significance are used to establish the significance of your proposed project. The design must address three key areas:
Background: Community Health Concern and Identification
Facilitators and Barriers to EBP Implementation
Organizational Culture
Proposal for the next steps to address the identified health concern
In the background, introduce your health concern (NURS 378 approved topic) and the context that led you to identify your health concern. You will explore the relevant background literature and theory related to your topic. Discuss its relevance to your local community health setting, organizational, metropolitan, state, national, and international levels as applicable. You will discuss the potential benefits and challenges of addressing the community health topic in your local setting, and explore the larger contextual impact related to this problem. The conclusion of this design is the proposal for the next steps to address the identified health concern.
Pull modules 1-6 together into one(1) paper.
Describe the background leading to your proposal topic. Briefly explain what you have observed in current trends of community health practice that leads you to further exploration. (You will have the opportunity to provide a more detailed description of your preliminary work in the next section.)
Background Literature: provide a critical evaluation of existing knowledge as it pertains to the proposal topic. The search for background literature does not have to be exhaustive, but must be sufficiently thorough to convince reviewers that you are up to date on the state of the field. Demonstrate that your understanding of the community health field, and that you have a balanced knowledge of it. Cite recent literature and, if appropriate, indicate your awareness of any discrepancies or inaccuracies in the literature. A minimum of 3-5 citations are required for this section.
Include the stakeholder analysis and the data from your communication with the individuals, groups, organizations, etc..
Identify the gaps in knowledge that your project is intended to fill. If there are no gaps exist that are obviously and directly related to your project, explain how your proposed research will contribute to the overall understanding of your RN practice.
Now that you have established the context for your identified health concern, your proposed project, and explained its significance, describe potential impacts of your project within your field of study and in a broader context.
For example, your proposed project may provide improved education for a particular population group or lead to a new practice guideline for nursing interventions. Clearly explain how the project is relevant.
Create and work on this document on Google Docs, save a copy as a Word Doc, and submit the word document of your project via the assignment link here in your Brightspace D2L course.
Format: APA 7th ed