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An underlying assumption of the introduction to marketing course is that students learn best and
retain more when they actively apply and work with the concepts presented in the course
materials rather than simply read about them. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to
apply concepts and knowledge learned in class to real situations to enhance your understanding.

A marketing environment analysis is an examination of the major external forces and trends that
have impacted or may impact a market and thus present opportunities and threats for marketers.
It involves an assessment of the key components of a companys task (micro) environment and
macroenvironment (please see Chapter 3). This information is necessary input into the
development of a strategic plan for companies who are involved or plan to become involved in
the industry.

Project Summary

Your short paper should contain the following two parts.

Part 1. Examine the current market micro and macro environmental situation for an
industry of your choice (for example, please see the list on page. 5). That is,
explore the market, customer, competitive, distribution, demographic, economic,
ecological, technological, political/legal, and cultural situations for the industry
with particular emphasis on those changing environmental factors that may
provide opportunities and threats for companies in the industry (see Chapter 3 for
more details; This is primarily sections II and III below).

Part 2. Demonstrate your understanding of core marketing concepts we learned in this
class that you have not incorporated into Part 1. A partial list of the concepts
that should be addressed is provided below (Section IV). You are not limited to
this list. Examples, both real (preferable) and conjectural (i.e., things that you
think are likely), should be provided to demonstrate your understanding. Most of
these concepts should be addressed in your industry analysis (i.e., Part 1). You do
not need to repeat any of the core concepts that are covered in Part 1.

While all parts of this project are important, the demonstration of your understanding and ability
to use core marketing concepts is very important. Regardless of the section (Part 1 or Part 2) in
which you discuss the core concepts, please use bold type to highlight the concepts.

Your written report should conform (more or less) to the format listed below. The body of the analysis should not exceed
six-seven double-spaced typed (12-point type) pages. However, extensive use of appendices
(such as charts, tables, industry-related ads etc.) is acceptable. The page count begins with the
Task (micro) Environment Descriiption (point II. in the format given below) and not with the
summary or table of contents. Each item in the appendix must be individually referenced in
the body. References (i.e., sources of information) must be cited in the main text (include
authors name, year) and listed in a reference section (section VI).