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Identify the a) the number of bytes received by your workstation as video data,

b) the port numbers used by client and server,

c) the protocol(s) used between client and server,

d) the timestamps of the start and end of the transmission of data.


Estimating the rate of data streaming

Step 1. Connect your workstation to the Internet and start a Wireshark capture on the connected port.

Step 2. Visit YouTube on your browser and activate the transmission (viewing) of a 5-8 min video.

Step 3. Stop your Wireshark capture at the end of the video and save it.

Step 4. Report on the following:

Identify the a) the number of bytes received by your workstation as video data, b) the port numbers used by client and server, c) the protocol(s) used between client and server, d) the timestamps of the start and end of the transmission of data. Please provide screenshots to support your answers (8%)

At what rate was the video transmitted? Graph the bit rate of the transmission per minute and add it to your report. (6%)

Explain how the port numbers were handled during the connection time (i.e., since the moment YouTube was opened on the browser until the video transmission ended. Also report on whether

the IP addresses remaining constant on not during the visiting time of YouTube (visiting time: the time the YouTube page was opened on your browser until and after the transmission of the

video). Please provide screenshots to support your answer (6%)



Here’s how port numbers are handled during the connection time:

  1. Application Initialization: When an application or service starts on a device, it requests a port number to establish communication. The application can either choose a specific well-known port number (e.g., HTTP uses port 80) or request an available port dynamically from the operating system.
  2. Port Allocation: If the application requests a dynamic port number, the operating system assigns an available port from a designated range (typically between 1024 and 65535) that is not already in use by another application. This allocation ensures that multiple applications can run concurrently without conflicts.
  3. Three-Way Handshake: When a client wants to establish a connection with a server, it initiates a three-way handshake process. The client and server exchange packets to synchronize and establish a reliable connection. The client includes the source port number it has chosen for the connection in the initial handshake packet.
  4. Port Binding: The server receives the client’s initial handshake packet and uses the destination IP address and port number specified in the packet to identify the appropriate application or service to handle the connection request. The server binds the connection to the specific port number provided by the client.
  5. Connection Establishment: Once the server has identified the application or service based on the destination port number, it sends a response packet back to the client using the client’s source port number as the destination port. This response acknowledges the connection request and completes the three-way handshake.
  6. Data Exchange: After the connection is established, both the client and server can exchange data packets using the assigned port numbers. The port numbers help route the packets to the correct application or service on both ends of the connection.


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