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can children with language disorders interact with other children
Paper details:
For your reference
Again, this essay–the final draft–should articulate a research interest, summarize and critically engages research sources, and uses the sources to support an argument that you propose.

And here again are the requirements in detail (with tips for meeting those criteria in blue!):

Clearly articulate the writers central line of inquiry (explain in detail what you are trying to learn through examine and evaluating the perspectives of your sources)
Maintain a clear purpose for writing that grows out of the writers inquiry (explain how the other researchers interested in your topic–the research community–will benefit from the work you’re doing)
Make strategic composing decisions in response to the writers rhetorical situation (shape your essay so that your readers–the community of researchers interested in your topic–will find it relevant, credible, and persuasive)
Provide relevant background information and definitions of key terms (give background information about your sources, your topic, and identify and explain any necessary key terms)
Introduce, summarize, and otherwise integrate sources effectively and ethically, through paraphrase and direct quotation, while providing insight into the rhetorical situations of those sources and breakdowns of their arguments (just as you learned to do in the first unit, give your sources’ full names when you first mention them, share the titles of their works, explain their audience, purpose, and context, identify the claims they make and the evidence they use to support those claims, and summarize their perspectives through paraphrase and direct quotation)
Critically engage sources perspectives through interpretation, analysis, and critique in service of making a logical, well-supported argument that contributes to the conversation taking place around the writers topic (go beyond summary to evaluate your sources’ perspectives and weigh their helpfulness in the context of your inquiry in support of making an argument that other researchers will find new and useful)
Meet academic expectations for clarity, cohesion, organization, paragraph structure, grammar, and mechanics (make sure your draft is organized, flows well, makes connections, and is grammatically correct)
Properly cite sourcesboth in-text and through an accompanying works cited pagein accordance with MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual of Style guidelines (see the Library website (Links to an external site.), OWL at Purdue (Links to an external site.), or other resources for guidance)
Achieve a length of between 1500 and 2400 words (6-10 pages)
Word or Google doc, double spaced, 12pt font
Consult proofreading resources

Using the strategies you learned from the resources above, read through your draft with a critical eye, paying attention to clarity, precision, grammatical correctness, transitions, “flow,” and other surface features, though if you catch any other mistakes or issues, feel free to correct them. Revise your draft to be as perfect and professional as you possibly can. Be sure to post your draft to the submit icon.

Please take a look at my first draft attached below and strengthen my main points. I need 7 sources for the research question.