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Explain the kinds of practices and strategies which will be evident in your classroom based on your beliefs of cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development.

 The paper should be at least 500-800 words in length. Papers should be double-spaced and follow APA guidelines. You are expected to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your paper. Papers should be submitted to the drop box on the due date. Each paper should have a cover page that follows APA style. APA guidelines can be googled. One good web source for APA is http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. In class, you have studied two theories of cognitive development (Piaget/Vygotsky), the development of language, and two theories of socio-emotional development. Your paper should describe how an ideal classroom should be structured based on the information you have studied in class. Be specific, definitive, and detailed. You should explain how your ideal classroom reflects your beliefs about cognitive development, language development, and socio-emotional development. In other words, the paper should describe how you would structure your classroom to maximize the cognitive and socio-emotional development of the child. Your beliefs should be grounded in the theories that were studied in class. You should explain the role of the teacher in your classroom. Explain the kinds of practices and strategies which will be evident in your classroom based on your beliefs of cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development. You should integrate the theories we have studied with your beliefs and practices. Rubric for Paper I. Student’s Beliefs about Cognitive, Language and Socio-emotional Development (10 points) a. Student’s belief is clearly stated and tied to the information studied in class. Details and specific information is given about the students’ beliefs. Student’s belief is well integrated with the theories of cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development.

Student provides justification for his/her own beliefs as it relates to the theories discussed in class: 8-10 points b. Student’s belief is clearly stated and tied to the information studied in class. The student gives some details and information about his/her beliefs. Some integration is shown with the theories of cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development.: 6-7 points c. Student states beliefs. Very few details and information are given about his/her beliefs. Little or no integration is shown with the theories of cognitive, language, and social-emotional development: 4-5 points d. No evidence of a student’s beliefs or it is difficult to determine the student’s beliefs. No details or information given about his/her beliefs. : 0-3 points II. Student’s description of the classroom based on cognitive, language and socio-emotional development beliefs (10 points) a. The student clearly describes the classroom based on his/her beliefs. There are specific examples and details about the classroom and how it maximizes learning for the child based on the beliefs of the student: 8-10 points b. The student clearly describes the classroom based on his/her beliefs. There are some examples and details about the classroom and how it maximizes learning for the child based on the beliefs of the student:: 6-7 points c. The student describes the classroom based on his/her beliefs. There are very few examples and details about the classroom and how it maximizes learning for the child based on the beliefs of the student: 4-5 points d. No description of the classroom based on his/her beliefs. There are no examples or details about the classroom and how it maximizes learning for the child based on the beliefs of the student: 0-3 points III. Student’s description of the role of the teacher based on his/her beliefs about cognitive, language and socio-emotional development. (10 points) a. Student explains how his/her beliefs will affect his/her role as a teacher in the classroom. Specific examples of how the role is defined are evident. The student’s role as a teacher is consistent with his/her beliefs about cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development: 8-10 points b. Student explains how his/her beliefs will affect his/her role as a teacher in the classroom. Some examples of how the role is defined are evident. There is some consistency about the student’s role as a teacher with his/her own beliefs about cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development: 6-7 points c. Student explains how his/her beliefs will affect his/her role as a teacher in the classroom. Very few, if any examples of how the role is defined are evident. Very little consistency about the student’s role as a teacher with his/her own beliefs about cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development: 4-5 points d. No explanation of how the student’s beliefs will affect his/her role as a teacher in the classroom. No examples of the role. No consistency about the student’s role as a teacher in relation to his/her own beliefs about cognitive, language, or socio-emotional development: 0-3 points.

IV. Classroom Practices and Strategies based on the Student’s Beliefs of Cognitive, Language, and Socio-Emotional Development (10 points) a. The student clearly explains the types of practices and strategies he/she will use in the classroom. The practices and strategies are described in detail with specific examples. The practices and strategies are very consistent with the student’s beliefs about cognitive, language and socio-emotional development. The practices and strategies clearly relate to the student’s teacher role as described in the paper: 8-10 points b. The student explains the types of practices and strategies he/she will use in the classroom. The practices and strategies are described with some examples given. The practices and strategies are consistent with the student’s beliefs about cognitive, language, and socio- emotional development. The practices and strategies relate to the student’s teacher role as described in the paper: 6-7 points c. The student somewhat explains the types of practices and strategies he/she will use in the classroom. There are few examples given about the practices and strategies. The practices and strategies are somewhat consistent with the student’s beliefs about cognitive, language, socio-emotional development. The practices and strategies somewhat relate to the student’s teacher role as described in the paper: 4-5 points. d. The student does not explain the types of practices and strategies he/she will use in the classroom. There are no examples given about the practices and strategies. The practices and strategies are not consistent with the student’s beliefs about cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development. The practices and strategies do not relate to the student’s teacher role as described in the paper: 0-3 points. V. Understanding of the theories of cognitive development, language development, and theories of socio-emotional development (5 points) a. The student exhibits a clear understanding of the theories of cognitive development, language development, and socio-emotional development. There is clear evidence throughout the paper that the student understands the theories and their impact on teacher role and the practices and strategies used in the classroom: 4-5 points b. The student exhibits some understanding of the theories of cognitive development, language development, and socio-emotional development.

There is some evidence throughout the paper that the student understands the theories and their impact on teacher role and the practices and strategies used in the classroom: 2-3 points c. The student exhibits little or no understanding of the theories of cognitive development, language development, and socio-emotional development. There is little or no evidence throughout the paper that the student understands the theories and their impact on teacher role and the practices and strategies used in the classroom: 0-1 points VI. Presentation of Paper, Format, Grammar, Spelling (5 Points) a. The paper is well formatted, following APA style. There are no grammatical and/or spelling errors. The paper is very well presented: 4-5 points b. The paper is formatted with APA with some errors. There are few grammatical and/or spelling errors. The presentation of the paper is good: 2-3 points c. The paper does not follow APA style. There are numerous grammatical and/or spelling errors. The presentation of the paper is mediocre/poor: 0-1 points