+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

There are a variety of topics related to juvenile delinquency/offending that range from developing juvenile reentry reducing juvenile recidivism to implementing juvenile reentry programming in detention centers. While scholars and practitioners have proffered alternative and enhanced approaches and solutions to improving the outcomes of juvenile offenders, there is more work that needs to be done to improve the outcomes of juvenile offenders. Given this, your job is to take a stance on a controversial issue involving juvenile offenders and present an argument that explains your position on this issue.
Minimum Requirements
Your paper should be a minimum of 20 pages in length, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Please use APA formatting and citations. Incorporate at least 7 scholarly resources (i.e. academic journals, databases

Paper structure

Please structure your paper using the following outline: 1) Provide an overview of the topic (introduce the topic)
a. Provide a brief history/origin of the topic.
b. Explain why this topic is worthy of further examination and briefly state your stance. 2) Applicability of the issue
a. Provide early examples/cases that are applicable to your topic and the individual outcomes of the juveniles involved.
b. Critically analyze why these cases are important issues that need further consideration in the field of juvenile delinquency.
3) What are the opposing arguments?
a. Provide three current examples of cases (or events) that support the opposing perspective.
b. Critically evaluate and discuss the flaws of each example.
4) Insert your stance on this issue
a. Provide three current examples of cases (events) that support this stance.
b. Thoroughly explain your rationale and how your examples bolster your claims. 5) How can policy rectify or remedy this issue?
a. What laws/mandates should be passed to address these issues?

b. Are there any theoretical frameworks that validate the implementation of these laws?
c. What role do criminal justice practitioners, sociologists and academics have in addressing this issue?
d. Critically analyze why these cases are important issues that need further consideration in the field of juvenile delinquency.
e. Is this an issue that can ever be resolved?