+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

I am placed in the fiction group.

you will write a new story or a new chapter or new poems every two weeks. You may write chapters that work together to create a longer story or individual short stories that may or may not connect in any way. It’s up to you to write whatever muse brings you each time! Please be sure to write something NEW for these workshop weeks! You are free to write whatever stories or poems you want, as long as you adhere to the guidelines in the syllabus (also noted below). You may use prompts from your books for ideas of what to write, if you wish.

                    Note: If you are writing fiction or non-fiction, please be sure to write narratives (no formal essays, comics, fan fiction, etc.).


FICTION and NON-FICTION: MLA format (headers, document title, double-spaced, 12-point TIMES NEW ROMAN font, 1-inch margins, indented paragraphs).

Submissions must be a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 pages in length.

(Note: If a chapter is 5 or 6  pages, the writer may submit it in its entirety, however; longer works MUST be submitted in sections or chapters.) When submitting a new section, writers should include the previous section, but indicate where the new writing begins.

For the sake of your peers and the quality and value of the response you will get from them AND your instructor, you should start from the beginning and work through in chronological order. If you skip around, your readers will be lost and will, consequently, spend most of their comments on questions that may have been addressed in earlier segments instead of being able to respond to the real issues that could help to improve the work.

Important Note: Fiction and literature portray the realities of life and the human condition and character, and thus, sometimes contain language and situations that some may find uncomfortable. comprised of students of all ages, in this classroom we are all considered adults. As such, we must feel free to discuss topics in depth with minimal censorship; however, gratuitous language or vulgarity (employed for the sole purpose of shocking or disgusting the reader) is not acceptable. Further, students will be expected to treat each other and the instructor with respect and consideration. Choosing to stay in this class constitutes your acceptance of your role in an adult, artistic, and college-level appraisal of our complex, multi-perspective world.