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Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

I have attached all information that you need to help you attached the needed. Please let me know if you need more information. Kindly, read the word document that is attached carefully. Part A will be 800 words, Part B will be 900 words, part C will be 200 words. and the citations will be Harvard style. you can have the quotes from the chapters I attached and or from the internet.

Have I: Yes No, where can I look for guidance?
Looked at the feedback on my previous work? Your tutor will have commented on your previous TMA to provide you with some guidance about how to develop your skills for future TMAs.
Read all of the guidance for this assignment? Read through the student notes for this TMA and, if necessary, review the Assessment guidance to check that you have followed all the advice and instructions.
Written in my own words? Teaching on these skills is included in the module materials (see the DB125 Skills activities list) and can also be found in Social Sciences Assessment Information.
Referenced my sources of evidence?

For information on how to reference the module materials, see the guidance at the end of each chapter and online week.

For full guidance on referencing, the website, a practical guide to referencing commonly used by UK universities.

A downloadable Quick Guide to the Cite Them Right version of Harvard, which includes advice on referencing module material.

Checked my word count?

Part A, Part B and Part C each tell you the word limit for that part of the TMA. For information on what is included in the limit, and what happens if you exceed it by more than 10%, check the Assessment guidance. An answer that is shorter than the word limit by more than 10% is likely to be too short to have fully answered the question.

For further information on writing to length go to Social Sciences Assessment Information.

Written the word count at the end of each part of my TMA? Check the word count and write that figure clearly at the end of each part of the assignment.
Set out my assignment properly? Read the conventions for presenting work in the Assessment guidance.
Completed each part of the TMA? Read through the student notes carefully to check you have followed all the advice and instructions.