
Some Rubric (5)
Some Rubric (5)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Description of criterion

Student will pick only one feature in this week’s material that allowed Homo erectus to be a biped runner.

2 pts

Full Marks
Student focused on only one feature that allowed Homo erectus to be a biped runner.

1 pts

No Description
Student did not focus on only one feature that allowed Homo erectus to be a biped runner.

0 pts

No Marks
Student did not answer the question
2 pts
Description of criterion

How is your chosen feature different from Australopithecus aferensis equivalent feature? Briefly explain the difference.

2 pts

Full Marks
Student briefly compared their chosen bipedal running features with Australopithecus aferensis equivalent feature?

1 pts

No Description
Student failed to compare their chosen bipedal running features with Australopithecus aferensis equivalent feature?

0 pts

No Marks
Student did not answer the question
2 pts
Description of criterion

Student briefly explained in their own words how endurance running would enhance the fitness of the Homo genus.

1 pts

Full Marks
Student briefly explained in their own words how endurance running would enhance the fitness of the Homo genus.

0.5 pts

No Description
Student failed to explain in their own words how endurance running would enhance the fitness of the Homo genus.

0 pts

No Marks
Student did not answer the question
1 pts
Total Points: 5