+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Using the film series, 8th Fire, students will write two reflection papers summarizing the main themes covered in the assigned films and how you relate/to what you learned after viewing each film. Students are encouraged to bring in properly cited course readings, films, and lectures into these papers. Each reflection should be 3 to 4 pages long (I will not mark beyond 4 pages) and contain formal citations to referenced articles, websites, and films. As these are formal writing assignments, marks will be given for proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, prose quality, and citations. Papers are to be double-spaced, contain formal citations to referenced articles, websites, and films, where applicable, and provide:
10% Summary of the films
10% Connection of the films to course readings, lectures and films
20% How do the ideas found in the films connect to the ideas presented in course readings, lectures, and films and what you know/have been told about these topics
20% How do the ideas found in the films conflict to the ideas presented in course readings, lectures, and films and what you know/have been told about these topics
40% A personal connection/reflection to what you viewed in the films.