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1. Baseline (paragraph 1): What do you want to know? Think: Who? What? Why? Develop that specific question and then describe how that relates to the course content; justify why its relevant to wellness.
2. Explore and Identify (paragraph 1):
o Look and choose a primary and secondary resource regarding your question/topic.
o Provide working hyperlinks [or file copies] of these two resources
o Identify them as primary or secondary:
One resource must be a primary resource.
A scientific study manuscript is one example, but there may be other types of primary sources that could apply here. How do you know if its a research study article? It should contain these six sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion, and is published in an academic or professional journal. Google Scholar and Pub Med are great places to look for research articles.
One resource must be a secondary resource. Many, probably most, resources would fit into this category. Examples include: a CDC or other public health website (e.g. healthline.com); a news video/article; a magazine article; a video; blog, etc.
3. Synthesize and Evaluate (paragraph 2): In your own words synthesize the critical information from each resource. Use the rubric as a guide (see page 2). No length requirements; be thorough. It should be clear that you took time to thoroughly read and critically synthesize the resources.
o Be sure to identify which resource youre writing about. What are the key messages/points? Is it legitimate? Dont tell me verbatim what the author(s) wrote; think critically about why it is a reliable and trustworthy resource (or not).
4. Reflect and Apply (paragraph 3): Articulate what resonated with you and how you (or a fellow reader) and how you (or someone else) will (or might) respond
o Explain how the information from these resonates with your own wellness experiences, beliefs or values, and/or goals?.
o Conclude by listing an actionable next step for yourself (or the reader).