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In March of this year, results of a large study in the U.K. comparing brain scans of people before and after having Covid were published in the journal Nature

In March of this year, results of a large study in the U.K. comparing brain scans of people before and after having Covid were published in the journal Nature, and reported in the NY Times (“Covid may cause changes in the brain, new study finds”) and elsewhere, showing loss of gray matter, especially in the areas associated with the sense of smell (although the study did not specifically test loss of smell (anosmia). Writing assignment: What is some other evidence of brain-related abnormalities in Covid-19 infection? As with the first writing assignment, draw on several different sources, but explain it in your own words (at least 400 words in length.) Be sure to include at least 2 reference citations; you may use either the MLA or APA format; in the “Useful Links”, click on “Hostos Library”, and then go to their “Citation Guide”, on “Citation Help & How to Avoid Plagiarism.” (Note: Wikipedia is not a valid source for citations, as it is anonymous; but it is okay to look at Wikipedia, as long as you keep in mind that information found there is not necessarily accurate or comprehensive.)