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This assignment requires the student to identify, retrieve, summarize, and synthesize relevant literature focused on the PICO clinical question/purpose. It is anticipated that the literature review findings will be used by the DNP Project Team to focus on the DNP Project. The document should be organized with subheadings and tables that can be used to display and organize findings. There is NO standard approach to organizing a literature review.
Research articles to be used include Primary Research Studies, Systematic Reviews, and Meta-Analysis. The evidence should be critically analyzed, commented on, and discussed. It is anticipated that public health documents and professional organizational statements will be also be used in establishing the background of the problem. Please summarize information about what is known about the topic of interest (Moran et al., 2020, pg. 122-128).
Search Strategy: In the introduction to the literature review, provide details about your search strategy of the literature: 1) Databases searched; 2) Search terms used; 3) Search limitations (i.e. years, language, full text).