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Individual Assignment (30%)
You are recently being appointed as the fund manager of ERC Mutual Fund with a total capital of S$1,000,000, as a fund manager you should implement the chosen investment strategy and perform stock valuation so as to select which stock/share to invest in the portfolio.
From the SGX catalyst board, you are required toselect a minimum of 3 stock recommendationsto invest in the Mutual Fund.

Your assignment should include the following;
a) Short write up on the selected companies background, industry and etc
b) Using various stock valuation techniques (such as P/E, P/B ratio and EPS etc) to critically analyze the chosen companies performance. (You can either compare the company historical performance, or against it peers)
c) Justify the combination of your chosen portfolio.

Assignment Requirements
1) Assignment must include a cover page with your names, title of course and lecturers name
2) All assignments must be typed, proof-read and professional in appearance
3) The word size should be Arial and font size 11 with 1.5 spacing. The left and right margin should be Justified.
4) Assignment is to be submitted to Teamie by18th November 2022
5) The report should include 2000 words
6) Assignment submitted after the deadline will be awardedZerograde.


In this exercise, the teacher asks to work with 3 different industries, in each industry will choose 3 companies and then compare which company to choose to invest in.