Due: Friday, Week 12
Worth: 40%
Word count: 1000 words
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to explain contemporary media challenges; how to communicate coherent and persuasive argument, and how to critically reflect on media themes.
Task: An individual 1000-word learning reflection that makes links between lectures, readings, individual assignments, and activities; reflects on contribution to individual learning.
A summary of unit content, themes and connections will be provided in our tutorials.
Information about how to write a learning reflection will be provided in the Week 10 lecture (and also in the tutorials).
Presentation requirements: Uses a reflexive, academic writing-style, with APA referencing style.
Criteria for marking:
- Make good links between lecture topics, readings, tutorials, online sessions, and knowledge gained in our Unit
- Reflect on contribution to participation and assignment/project outcomes
- Use of language is good with appropriate use of vocabulary and concise and clear expression of ideas
- Well-structured reflection with evidence of proofreading and attention to detail
- Correct use of APA referencing style.