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Consider the groups you read about this week, including the Islamic militants called by Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, the Soldiers for Christ, and others.

  • Choose two of the case studies and explain the religious violence these groups participated in. What was the driving reason behind their actions?
  • What could have prevented the tragedy these groups initiated?
  • How could members have resisted the call to violence?
  • What strategies do law enforcement have at their command that mitigate the effects of groups such as these and remove some of the power from their leaders?
  • What strategies should be in place to prevent similar acts from happening again in the future? 

Your completed written assignment should be 4-6 pages. All submissions should be formatted in a 12 point Times New Roman font. Your answer should contain paraphrased information from at least one valid source other than your textbook, and all citations and references should be properly cited in APA format (7th edition).

 Book : VIOLENCE AND CULTURE: A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Approach