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Choose an organization that interests you. Looking at leadership styles and motivational
theories discussed in the readings, which best fit the quality and competitive needs of
your chosen organization?
Organizations of interest
ABC Business.
The leadership style that best matches the organization’s needs for quality and
We can think of the Organization as a giant computer marketing business called ABC
An effective leader is the first and foremost condition of a successful business. A series of
winning leaders adopt a combination of several leadership models or simply a selectively
prevailing trend.
Transformational Leadership:
One of the most effective conceptions of leadership is transformational leadership.
Transformational leaders inspire employees through effective communication and
programming and thus pave the way to success. They set tough goals and better expectations
for each worker, ultimately achieving greater results.
These people are generally blue-minded. To successfully execute its strategic visions, the
organization may need many detail-oriented managers.
There are four elements to transformational leadership, (also known as the four selves):
idealized influence, divine motivation, intellectual stimulation, and personal thinking. Each
issue is covered to help managers use this approach in their work.
Meaningful transformational leaders encourage, inspire, and motivate employees to act in
ways that create meaningful change. As a result, AN hires an employee who has the authority
to pioneer and facilitate the future success of an organization.
Controlling Their Ego:
It’s easy to let your ego take over when you’re in a position of power. In transformational
leadership, however, it is important for the leader to keep his ego in check and not let it
interfere with the best interests of his or her team or organization. By controlling their egos,
transformational leaders can put the organization before their own self-interests and,
moreover, to achieve the best performance of others.
Managing yourself:
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Transformational leaders often don’t want much direction from others and are willing to
manage themselves well they are also very motivated internally and use that motivation to
steer the business in the right direction. These leaders do what they love and therefore the
values align with the values of the organization they lead.
Appropriate Risk Claim Capability:
Calculated Risk Claim Capability can be a key characteristic of a transformational leader.
They trust their instincts and use the information their team members gather to make wise
choices. A transformation leader’s team is loyal to them and always ready to try and perform
the necessary analysis to properly assess the case. Leaders engage the team’s contributions to
create risky choices that facilitate growth.
Making tough choices:
Becoming a leader is not a long and elegant journey; you often have to build solid choices.
Transformational leaders don’t shy away from tough choices. they create their choices with
the objective of being transparent about the organization’s values, vision, goals and
Sharing a collective sense of structure:
A transformational leader shares and understands the collective consciousness of the entire
organization. This makes them significantly attuned to the feelings of their team members
and gives them a transparent plan of action to take to elicit desired actions from employees.
Since they are operated with a sense of structure, they are willing to create options that
stimulate growth and further create a shared vision of the organization that each member feels
like a region.
People claim to be galvanized, and leaders with the ability to transform are perhaps the most
astonishing they need flexibility to encourage others to rise above opportunities. Their type of
inspiration isn’t limited to formally recognizing a job well done, instead, they treat each
employee as someone of value and take the time to learn what makes them happy. they care.
Nurturing New Ideas:
Transformation is rarely achieved if leaders are not open to or receptive to new ideas.
Transformational leaders recognize the reality that success depends on the complexity of the
entire team, and that growth occurs only in a company with a culture that is open to new
ideas at all levels. A transformational leader makes deliberate efforts to solicit new ideas from
team members and use their additional knowledge to create options.
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Leaders recognize that it is important to continually adapt to dynamic market conditions in
order to keep moving forward. They are always ready to adapt to new things and require
artistic mediums in response to the dynamic business landscape.
Leadership and Motivation:
Effective leaders recognize that there is more to employee satisfaction than just a paycheck.
If you fall victim to the magnetic leadership trend, you will encourage and motivate your man
by long-distance positive reading. If you show enthusiasm for mock challenges, employees
tend to respond in a similar way.