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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Assignment 1

The purpose of Assignment 1 is to evaluate your understanding of and ability to put into practice principles of effective performance feedback delivery and performance management.


  1. Please do this assignment individually. Please do not collaborate with other students or people. Please do not copy-and-paste materials from the internet or other outside sources for this assignment. The writing should be your own.
  2. If you would like to use ChatGPT or similar AI-based text writing software, you may, but you must state in the first line of the assignment what you used and how. E.g., I ran my paper through ChatGPT () asking it to make the language sound more academic. You wont be penalized for using this kind of tool. However, if you ask ChatGPT to write your whole paper, trust me, you wont do well! Your work will be checked for plagiarism and AI writing with Turnitin.
  3. Your write-up should have the following: Your name and Assignment 1 on the first line (no cover page please). Use 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and single spacing. Save as a MS word doc or text file. No other formatting guidelines (e.g., APA style) need to be followed.
  4. Please number each of your answers in your write-up. You dont have to rewrite the questions or notes or anything.
  5. Your write-up should be less than 800 words in total. Please write succinctly!

Please read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.

You manage a fast-food franchise restaurant, Frexis that serves fresh Mexican food. Frexis policy states that employees hired within the past 3 months must have an initial performance review. These initial performance review sessions are face-to-face conversations with each employee conducted by the manager (i.e., you). You have two such new employees, Alejandra and Boris. You have taken some notes on these two employees over the last few weeks, which you hope will help you to guide your performance review conversation. Your notes are below.


  • Consistently on time to work
  • Consistently follows dress code
  • Very attractive girl with a beautiful smile!
  • Consistently says welcome to Frexis when customers enter
  • Prepares orders quickly and accurately
  • Three times she forgot to wear sanitary gloves when preparing food, which is against company policy
  • Usually maintains cleanliness of food preparation area, but sometimes allows different ingredients to get mixed together


  • Often rushes into work 3 minutes before the start of his shift
  • Starts work with messy hair and strong, unpleasant body odor
  • Very angry with him about how messy he is!
  • Consistently says welcome to Frexis when customers enter
  • Prepares orders accurately
  • Prepares orders a little too slowly
  • Maintains cleanliness of food preparation area


  1. Please describe your objectives in holding these performance reviews. What are you hoping to achieve by having these reviews? (50-100 words)
  2. Please describe when and where you will hold these reviews, and who would be in attendance. For example, would you meet with Alejandra and Boris together at the same time? Would it be in the restaurant during down times or outside of work hours, etc. (50-100 words)
  3. Please write a brief (100-200 words) script for your meeting with Alejandra. The script should be a word-for-word description of what you would actually say to her during the performance review meeting (e.g., Hi Alejandra, thanks for speaking with me) that provides Alejandra with all of the relevant job performance feedback (in whatever order you choose) and conforms to the principles of effective performance feedback delivery and management that we have learned in this class.
  4. Please briefly explain why you delivered the feedback to Alejandra in the way that you did, including any key decisions that you made regarding what to say or not say. (50-100 words)
  5. Now please write a script for your meeting with Boris (same details apply). (100-200 words)
  6. Please briefly explain why you delivered the feedback to Boris in the way that you did, including any key decisions that you made regarding what to say or not say. (50-100 words)