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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need a reference to help me learn.

Critical Thinking

Students are supposed to read the attached Case -Panda Sunglasses. Based on your understanding of the case and basic concepts of Entrepreneurship.

Answer the following question:

1. How can social entrepreneurs such as the founders of Panada Sunglasses use their companies social missions to attract customers and promote their business? (3 marks)

2. How should the founders of Panada Sunglasses define a unique selling proposition for their company that resonate with customers? (3 marks)

3. Write a brief memo to the founders of Panda Sunglasses outlining a bootstrap marketing plan for the company? (3 marks)

4. Use the business model canvas to illustrate Panda Sunglasses business model. Can you identify other revenue streams that could support the company? How can the company strengthen its relationships with customers? (3 marks)

5.How should the founders of Panda Sunglasses use social media to market their company and its products? What can they do to increase the traffic to and generate more sales from their company’s Web site? (3 marks)