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The rationalization process is basically the application of economic logic into every aspect of modern-day life. You have been reading about how this process, known as "McDonaldization," has become very prominent as the Western world is dominated by efficiency, predictability, calculability, nonhuman technologies that control people, and of course, the irrationality of rationality. You watched how the rationalization process has impacted food production in Food Inc. and read how even something that is meant to be "freeing" such as recreation and vacation has become McDonaldized. Choose a facet of modern-day life (you can choose anything (aside from food), I chose IKEA in my lecture, that you feel has become "McDonaldized." Think about sports, relationships, shopping, dating, movies, music, education, etc. How does efficiency, predictability, calculability, nonhuman technologies that control people, and the irrationality of rationality apply to your aspect of modern-day life? Be specific.