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1. Answer FOUR (4) of the following SIX (6) essay questions below.
2. Submit ONE document incorporating the 4 essays
(DO NOT submit 4 separate essays; they will be returned to you)
3. Include ONE title page for the exam:
Final Essay Exam
Your Name
Fitchburg State University
4. Place a running header on the upper left-hand corner, each page; page numbers,
upper right-hand corner, each page).
5.Each essay should cover 2 full pages in length (double-spaced,12 font).
6. There should be no large spaces in-between paragraphs
7. No quotes. Paraphrase instead; do not place article titles in the body of your essays
8. Each essay should have a title (Example Essay 1: Case Study)
9. Include THREE scholarly references for each essay (from assigned readings, course
textbook, or a relevant article of your choosing); do not use web sites, links or .org
publications; do not use the same readings in all four essays
10. Citations support references; as well, references support your citations. You need
both in your essays
11. Incorporate a reference page AFTER EACH ESSAY; references must be placed in
alphabetical order; do NOT put authors credentials in references (MSN; PhD)!
Incorporation: of textbook; assigned readings and relevant articles (20 points)
Content: responses to questions posed in the chosen essay (20 points)
Writing Mechanics: spelling, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation (20
APA-7 format: in both in the body of each essay and each reference page (20
Conclusion: a well-organized, comprehensive summative paragraph (20 points)

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recommends yearly measurement of
safety culture as one of its ten patient safety tips for hospitals. Improving safety within health
care is an essential component of preventing or reducing errors and improving overall health
care quality. As nurses, we are committed to maintaining safety at all levels of care. From the
readings and from your own practice experience, identify key features in creating and
maintaining a culture of safety. Incorporate into your answer the following components of
such a culture: nursing theories related to patient-centered care, the blame free environment,
collaboration, teamwork and organizational commitment of resources. As well, describe the
tools of SBAR, I-PASS, BSR (Bedside Shift Report) as models of effective communication among
members of the health care team Please cite the literature. Identify yourself as This writer /
The nurse /or Nurses in your response, not I/ you/ we or they.

Our access as nurses to the extensive reservoirs of information is useful only if we know how to
use these resources. Why is information literacy an essential skill for RNs in their daily practice?
Examine the roles of the Nursing Informatics Specialist (NIS) and the Telehealth Nurse in
facilitating information literacy for both provider and patient. Describe the importance of
incorporating Kotters Change Management Theory to foster embracing technological change.
Provide examples of how technology (EHRs, telemedicine, barcoding, HIPPA) has impacted
nursing practice and the patient experience (both advantages and drawbacks). Please cite the
literature. Identify yourself as This writer / The nurse /or Nurses in your response, not
I/ you/ we or they

As nurses, you are uniquely positioned to assess patient populations for health equity. In your
work with diverse cultures and vulnerable populations, what social determinants of health
(SDH) do you recognize, and what strategies would you create (or have created) to address
inequities in your work settings or community? What knowledge and/or exposure to SDH and
Healthy People 2020/2030 content have you had in your entry level education (clinical and
classroom, service-learning opportunities)? How did it affect your personal life and your
professional career choices? Which types of SDH-related clinical and classroom opportunities
would you suggest to incorporate into nursing education? Integrate readings related to culture,
ethnicity, SDH and Healthy People into your essay help you answer these questions. Please cite
both literature and the academic experience over the last seven weeks to support your
response. Identify yourself as This writer/ The nurse / or Nurses in your response, not
I/ you/ we or they.

A 28-year-old mother of three children, ages 9,5 and 2 years is admitted to the hospitals
surgical unit from the Emergency Department (ED) with symptoms of epigastric pain, nausea
and vomiting of two days duration. Diagnostic tests reveal acute cholecystitis; the client is
scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. During the admission assessment, the client
expresses concern about her partners ability to care for her children. She also appears worried
about how she will manage at home after she is discharged. The nurse offers to contact the
clients husband. Additionally, she places a request for a Social Service Consult, suggesting a
family meeting and Visiting Nursing services be arranged. Questions:
1. What assumptions on the part of the nurse are being made here?
2. Incorporate the Code of Ethics, particularly the ethical principles of beneficence,
fidelity, autonomy and justice, that play into this scenario and how the nurse might
better assess and intervene in this situation?
3. In what way/s does the Code of Ethics help guide the nurse in addressing this issue?
Please cite the literature. Identify yourself as This writer / The nurse /or
Nurses in your response, NOT I/ you/ we or they